WEBSTEP accelerates the progress of EoDB envisioned by the Government of West Bengal.

The Governmant of West Bengal had the vision to make the state highly business-friendly by supporting investors with services required to set up business in a convenient and time-bound manner. To fulfil the vision upheld by the government through their initiative – “Ease of doing business”, an online portal for land availability and allotment was implemented under WBIIDC, WBIDC and WBSIDC. In addition to eliminating the requirement of physical visits to the department, the system supports inventors initiating or operating a business in the state and streamlines the approval and evaluation process. The project integrates with the Silpa Sathi to accomplish the goal of reducing the complexity of processes and procedures and limiting offline documentation.
Key Functionalities
- Track and display plot availability based on district and industrial zone
- Online submission of applications by industrialists
- Online payment of application fee
- Track status of the application
- Download the possession certificate
- Third-party verification by banks, government agencies and others.

The Solution
- A unified application process system for online application submission, tracking and payment.
- Dynamic and configurable workflow for easy administration and management.
- A portal for third-party verification of possession certificates issued in the public domain.
- Integrated land data bank to display availability information of land across West Bengal and filtered to sort information according to location or industrial zone.